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Sample of real translation (Confidentiality retained with XX)

我,仰望天空的高度,向更浩瀚处迈出新的脚步。 (天问一号 在距离地球约5500万公里的深空,天问一号首次在火星留下中国印迹)
Looking up to the sky, we take new steps towards the vast unknown. (Tianwen-1, in deep space about 55 million kilometers away from Earth, left the first Chinese footprint on Mars.)

Gazing upward at the profound sky, we take determined steps into the vast depths of the universe. (Tianwen-1, located approximately 55 million kilometers from Earth in deep space, has left the imprint of the Chinese on Mars for the first time).

我,探寻大地的深度,向悠久的隐秘探寻新的可能。 (奋斗者号 在10909米以下的太平洋深处“奋斗者号”成功坐底,刷新中国载人深潜新纪录)
Exploring the depths of the earth, we venture into ancient secrets, seeking new possibilities. (Submarine Fendouzhe, successfully diving 10,909 meters to the bottom in the Pacific Ocean, set a new record for Chinese manned deep-sea diving.)

Exploring the depths of the earth, we seek new possibilities in long-concealed secrets. (The Submarine Fendouzhe has successfully reached the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, diving to a depth of 10,909 meters, setting a new record for China's manned deep-sea exploration.)

我,迸发前所未有的速度,用不断加快的步伐创造新的驱动。 (复兴号动车组 设计时速380公里的16节编组复兴号列车 正在广袤的华北平原上飞驰)
Bursting with unprecedented speed, we create new momentum with an ever-accelerating pace. (Fuxing Hao high-speed trains, the 16-car Fuxing Hao train designed to run at a speed of 380 kilometers per hour, races across the broad North China Plain.)

Propelled by an unparalleled velocity, we forge fresh momentum through an ever-accelerating tempo. (Fuxing Hao high-speed trains, exemplified by the 16-car Fuxing Hao train designed to operate at a remarkable speed of 380 kilometers per hour, swiftly traverse the expansive North China Plain.)

亚游九游会母语级改写(PracTrans Native-tongue Level Re-writing)是在理解原译文基础上,由外籍语言专家重新组织句子,对英文进行全面的重写,之后再由中国籍译者进行复核检查以及定稿,最终译稿不但能有效地解决了直译、漏译、翻译不准确等常见问题,而且译稿的行文地道,是原汁原味的高级英语。这和传统的中国译者所做的“润色”有着本质的区别,传统的润色只是修改几个词而已,或者对不合理的句子结构进行微调,这些都只能对英文译稿起到有限的改善作用,并不能从根本上拔高译稿的整体质量度。


上一篇: 亚游九游会为某知名律所提供高级英语→中文翻译,翻译内容:房屋租赁协议
下一篇: 亚游九游会为西班牙某知名律师事务所提供高级西班牙语--中文翻译,翻译内容:诉讼材料。