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Sample of real translation (Confidentiality retained with XX)


In recent years, e-commerce has developed rapidly in China. The repeated outbreaks of COVID-19 pandemic, have accelerated the change of consumers’ shopping habits, which further propels the development of online shopping. Offline business has thus suffered. Different regions have seen decreases in the number of small stores in varying degrees, and original business structure has been significantly adjusted as well.

In terms of market feedback, XX products enjoy tremendous development potential. The imported products deliver superior quality and good consumption experiences, so retail stores are willing to recommend XX products to consumers.

Meanwhile, XX has set clear strategies concerning clients and market. It assists the clients in educating and attracting consumers by relying on its market and channel management. With the same goal, we, as a distributor, are willing to further promote XX products.

上一篇: 亚游九游会为某全球知名咨询公司提供母语级中→英翻译,翻译内容:金砖国家女性发展报告。
下一篇: 亚游九游会为荷兰某跨国集团公司提供高级英→中翻译,翻译内容:供应商风险管理政策。